To create a job in Openprise, navigate to Automation and select Jobs
In the upper right select Add Job
Enter the information for your job
- Job name: Name your job - we advise being specific in naming conventions based on system and process (i.e. Salesforce Account Cleansing 01; the number at the end is helpful if you are creating multiple jobs in a process)
- Job description: (optional) Add a description for your job that describes the purpose of the job
- Job owners: Add job owners if you'd like other users to be able to edit the job
- Labels: Add a label to make finding your job easier (i.e. Salesforce, Cleaning, Accounts)
- Diagnostic mode: Enabling diagnostic mode allows you to view outputs for each individual task which is especially helpful when building and testing your job. Best practice is to enable diagnostic mode!
- Auto Purge: By default auto purge will be enabled. If a job hasn't been run in 30 days, the outputs for the job will be purged.
- Job card details: This section shows more details after a job has been created. By selecting Actions -> Edit Job
- Save: Select save to save the job