Triggers find specific patters or events in your data. Use triggers to alert users via email about changes in your data, and take necessary action quickly. Find triggers by navigating to the top menu bar and selecting Automation and then Triggers.
Create New Triggers
To create a new trigger, select the "Add Trigger" button in the top left corner. Configure new triggers using the "Info", "If", and "Then" sections on the right.
Info Section
Use the Info section to title your trigger, assign trigger owners, and automate the triggering process.
- Trigger Name - give your trigger a title
- Trigger Description - give your trigger an optional description
- Trigger Owner - assign users who can access and modify this trigger
- Run this trigger every - Fill this checkbox if you want to automate your trigger. Uncheck this checkbox to manually run your trigger. Assign the frequency of your trigger by minutes, hours, or days.
- Data to evaluate each time the trigger runs - select what type of data to evaluate when a trigger runs based on the conditions you apply in the "If" section. Choose to evaluate "All Data" or "New Data Only" from the picklist.
If Section
Use the If section to set conditions on your data. Triggers will run based on the conditions you apply.
- Applies to data - Select data from within Openprise that will need to be evaluated if a trigger runs. Choose between external data sources, manual data sources, or job outputs
- Filter Input - Create a filter by selecting the Filter Input button. Your trigger will only run on data that meets your filter
- Trigger Template - Select the action that needs to occur on your data to run a trigger
Choose the following templates from the Trigger Template picklist:
- Any new selected data - trigger will run on only new data. Further select data using the Filter Input button
- Attributes changed exceeds threshold - trigger will only run if attributes you select exceed a threshold. Use the condition option to select attributes and create a threshold
- Average exceeds threshold - trigger will only run if the average value of an attribute, grouped by another attribute, exceeds the threshold you assign using the condition option
- Count exceeds threshold - trigger will only run if the total count of an attribute exceeds the threshold you assign using the condition option.
- Maximum exceeds threshold - trigger will only run if the maximum count of an attribute, grouped by another attribute, exceeds the threshold you assign using the condition option
- Minimum exceeds threshold - trigger will only run if the minimum count of an attribute, grouped by another attribute, exceeds the threshold you assign using the condition option
- Range exceeds threshold - trigger will only run if the range (max - min) of an attribute, grouped by another attribute, exceeds the threshold you assign using the condition option
- Sum comparison - trigger will only run if the sum of a group of attributes is subtracted by another group of attributes, and exceeds the threshold you assign using the condition option. Attributes must be whole number or real number data types.
- Sum exceeds threshold - trigger will only run if the sum of an attribute, grouped by another attribute exceeds the threshold you assign using the condition option
Then section
Use the Then section to create an alert and send email notifications when the conditions of your trigger are met. Select the "Add Action" button and choose "send emails" if you wish to send alerts via email.
- Alert description - write a short description of what this trigger is doing
- Alert importance - assign the level of urgency to your alert
- Alert owners - assign users who will receive this alert
- From - write alert senders email address
- To - Select Openprise Users and select the users who will receive this email alert. Select Dynamic Recipients if there are users who do not have an Openprise account but need to receive the email alert. You can send email alerts to a maximum of 50 Dynamic Recipients.
- CC, BCC - add email addresses that should be CC'ed or BCC'ed to the alert
- Subject, Body - write a subject line to your email alert and a body that explains what to do if the trigger runs
Finishing Steps
- Click Save when you want to save your configurations.
- Delete the trigger by selecting Delete.
- Create a timestamp each time you manually run a trigger using the timestamp feature. Assign a date, time, and time zone. Click "Run Now" when you are ready to run the trigger manually.
Modify Existing Triggers
The chart on the left lists existing triggers. Select any trigger from the chart to see how it was configured. The trigger configurations will then appear on the right side. You will be able to access and modify existing triggers if you are assigned as a Trigger Owner. Click save when you want to save your changes.