Bots, Jobs and Tasks
- How do I Import a Job?
- How do I Export a Job?
- How do I build an Automated Acquisition process?
- How do I build a targeted enrichment job & bot?
- What does the Bypass this task option in a task template do?
- What are the best practices for using the Append Task vs. the Infer Task?
Data Sources and Data Targets
- My data export is missing records!
- What are best practices when creating a data source using CSV?
- Why is my Google Sheet not importing?
- I have a data file containing double-byte characters, how can I open it?
- When defining a Data Source, what is the Primary Timestamp needed/used for?
- When defining a Data Source, what does “Archive this Data Source” do?
- What is an Array?
- How to: Segment Titles in a Foreign Language Using Google Translate
- Openprise Timeout Behavior
- How do I add a new attribute to my List Load app?
- How many characters can be imported to a long text field?
- Salesforce - what is the difference between SystemModstamp and LastModifiedDate