Here is a list of commonly used Openprise terms we think you should know:
Attribute | Attribute (computing), a specification that defines a property of an object, element, or file. In terms of Excel, it is synonymous with a column heading. |
ABM | Account-based marketing is a strategic approach to business marketing based on account awareness in which an organization considers and communicates with individual prospect or customer accounts as markets |
Active Funnel | A marketing funnel is a way of breaking down the customer journey all the way from the “awareness” stage (when they first learn about your business) to the “purchase” stage (when they're ready to buy your product or service). |
ADR | Sales account development representative which typically has the primary responsibility of securing new sales leads for account executives. |
API | Application Programming Interface: A set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service. Essentially, how two systems integrate with each other (they "talk" via the API) |
API name vs Display name (SFDC) | The UI name (display name) is what most users see in the UI - the API name is what is shown on the backend and how the field is seen written when other programs/systems access via the API. For example: In Salesforce the UI shows Account Name, but the API name is Name. |
API quota | Limit on API requests per time period - set by each provider |
Attribution | Allows you to understand your marketing down to the user level, accurately measuring the impact of each touch point and tactic as those activities relate to opportunities. |
BANT Qualification | (Budget - Authority - Need - Timeline) A sales qualification framework used to identify and pursue the most qualified prospects based on their Budget, Authority, Needs, and Timeline |
Behavior Score | A method of scoring leads based on their interaction with marketing initiatives. For example, if a person attended a webinar +20 pts. If a person downloaded a white paper, +5pts. |
Buyer persona | Representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers. Can include job function and level information. For example "my buyer is usually a Director or VP in the IT department". |
Buyer's journey | Is the process buyers go through to become aware of, consider and evaluate, and decide to purchase a new product or service. The journey consists of a three-step process Stage 1 Awareness, Stage 2 Consideration, Stage 3 Decision |
Campaign (SFDC) | Manage outbound marketing efforts/campaigns with direct mail programs, seminars, print ads, email, and other kinds of marketing collateral. Campaigns can be organized into hierarchies for easy analysis to see what works best for increasing your company’s sales. |
Campaign Member (SFDC) | The Campaign Member object identifies which Leads and/or Contacts are associated with a campaign. |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management |
CRUD | Create, Read, Update, and Delete. This term applies to databases, processes and tools that make changes to data. |
Data Catalog | A Data Catalog is a collection of metadata, combined with data management and search tools, that helps analysts and other data users to find the data that they need, serves as an inventory of available data, and provides information to evaluate fitness data for intended uses. |
Data Governance | Data governance is the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity and security of the data in enterprise systems, based on internal data standards and policies that also control data usage. |
Data Source | A Data Source is a collection of related data. A data source may be linked/imported from an external system (ie. a CRM, MAP, database or flat file), or it can be the output of a job or task. Openprise can only operate on a data source that exists in Openprise. For example, Openprise can clean Marketo people records if the data source connecting to Marketo has been established/defined, and the data has been imported into Openprise. |
Data Target | A data target is a definition in Openprise that names where data is to be exported/pushed, and which record elements are to be delivered to the target system. |
Data Unification | Unified data is when a company merges its many fragmented data sources into one, single central view. Unified data provides a more complete and accurate picture of a company's data, but unifying the data is far from simple. For example, if a CRM has multiple country fields on a record, there may be 1 unified country field that is the thoughtful combination of the other country values. |
DQ | An abbreviation for disqualified. Some companies will disqualify leads based on criteria so the lead isn't sent to sales. For example, a B2B company may automatically DQ any lead with a title of "Student". |
Enrichment | is a general term that applies to the process of enhancing, refining, and improving raw data. In the Marketing world, this usually means purchasing data from a 3rd party data vendor. |
Field mapping | Field mapping enables you to link CRM data to the data extensions |
First-touch attribution | Referring to the first interaction a customer/lead/prospect has along the Buyer's Journey, and assigning all of the credit or value to this first interaction |
Form-fill | A process where a user fills out a form to get access to a white paper, webinar recording, etc. Often indicates engagement. |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulations for all user data based in Europe |
Inside sales | Generally relates to all sales made by personel or services that reach out to customers through phone, email, or the internet. Names for sales personnel vary considerably from company to company. Inside sales can also be SDRs. The term inside sales originally meant people that stayed inside their company's offices and did all transactions on the phone, as opposed to outside sales people who would visit a company at their site. |
Last-touch attribution | Referring to the last interaction a customer/lead/prospect has before closing or buying the service, and assigning all of the credit or value to said interaction |
Lead Score, Scoring | Lead scoring is a methodology used to rank prospects against a scale that represents the perceived value each lead represents to the organization. The resulting score is used to determine which leads a receiving function (e.g. sales, partners, teleprospecting) will engage, in order of priority. |
Lead Source | The primary source by which a lead became known to your company, found your website, or product. This helps marketing tell how a lead was found/discovered/recognized. |
List (MAP) | A list is just that, a list of data, often people and related information. Think name, email address, phone, etc. Although the list could also composed of Accounts or Campaigns, or something else. |
MAP | Marketing Automation Platform. Software platforms and technologies designed for marketing departments and organizations to more effectively market on multiple channels online (such as email, social media, websites, etc.) and automate repetitive tasks. |
MDS | Manual Data Source - an intermediate data source that only lives inside of Openprise. It can be used as a reference by a different job or to track changes between job runs. |
MDM | Master Data Management - a method used to define and manage the critical data of an organization to provide, with data integration, a single point of reference. |
MOPS | Marketing Operations team |
MQL | Marketing Qualified Lead. This is a designation applied by marketing processes that the lead has "done something" that indicates the lead is more than fluff or junk data. |
Multi-touch attribution | Looking at all the interaction a customer has along the buyer's journey. Assigning the weight of credit or value can be done in multiple ways. Looking at attribution over time to view a common sale cycle, or also using a W-shaped attribution to assign specific weights to the main portions of the buyers journey; Discovery, Lead Capture, and Opportunity Creation. |
Normalization | A process that makes something more normal or regular. For example, it is useful to normalize all country values to be in a consistent form. Data normalization makes it easier to implement procedures and generate reports, etc. |
Nurture campaign | A form of building/maintaining a relationship with an already existing lead. |
Opportunity | Marketing opportunity is a sales-accepted lead that has been qualified as being in need of the product or service. Typically a sales representative will be the one determining if a that a prospect has the BANT be to defined as an opportunity. Often there will be a estimated percentage of how likely the opportunity is to move to a closed sale. |
Opportunity (SFDC) | The Opportunity object in Salesforce tracks potential sales deals through to the end of the deal, whether closed-won (ie. the customer purchased product), or closed-lost. |
Personalization | Personalized marketing strategies, also know as one-to-one marketing or individual marketing, is when companies leverage data analysis and digital technology to deliver individualized messages and product offerings to current or prospective customers. |
Program (Marketo) | Marketing automation software - helps marketers master the art & science of digital marketing to engage customers and prospects. |
Queue | Queues help your teams manage leads, cases, service contracts, and custom objects. Once records are placed in a queue manually or through an automatic case or lead assignment rule, records remain there until they're assigned to a user or taken by one of the queue members. Any queue member or users above them in the role hierarchy can take ownership of records in a queue. |
Reference table | A collection of data used as a reference for another process. The Openprise Open Data contains reference data. |
Routing | Lead routing refers to a designated process of how incoming leads are distributed amount sales agents. |
SAL | Sales Accepted Lead - a lead has demonstrated enough interest that the sales team now "owns" the lead. That threshold varies from company to company. An example is when the lead accepts a meeting with a sales person. Not to be confused with MQL - which is marketing threshold that attempts to designates leads that are engaged enough to warrant a engagement from a sales person. |
SDR | Sales Development Representative |
Segmentation | Marketing segmentation is the process of dividing a market of potential customers into groups, or segments, based on different characteristics. The segments created are composed of consumers who will respond similarly to marketing strategies and who share traits such as similar interests, needs, or locations. |
SFDC “objects” | Objects are database tables that allow us to store data specific to the organization in salesforce. Standard Objects: The objects provided by is called standard objects. Examples of standard objects are accounts, contacts, opportunities, Leads, products, campaigns, cases, users, contracts, Report, and dashboards, etc. Custom Object: These are objects that are created within Salesforce by a company for a use that is not addressed by a standard object. Custom objects store information that is unique and important to your organization. Custom objects are the heart of any application. Custom objects provide a structure for sharing data. |
<->Marketo sync"}'SFDC <> Marketo sync<></></></-> | Most Marketo instances are set up to sync with Salesforce all day, every day. Each sync takes some time and then pauses for 5 minutes, then starts again. The very first sync in your subscription may take hours or even days because Marketo is copying the entire database from Salesforce. After that, each sync typically takes seconds or minutes and only syncs data that has changed. The sync between Salesforce and Marketo is bidirectional only for leads, contacts, and Salesforce campaigns. In these cases, whenever you make changes in either Salesforce or Marketo, your updates will be reflected in both systems. All other syncs are from Salesforce to Marketo only. |
SOPS | Sales Operations team |
SQL | Sales Qualified Lead |
Syndication | Content syndication is a method of republishing content on other sites in order to reach a broader audience. Syndicated content not only increases your reach and brand awareness, it also builds links and can help drive more traffic to your original article. |
TAM | Total Addressable Market, or Territory Account Manager, or Technical Account Manager. Usage varies by context. |
Territory | A definition of either a group of customer/prospects or geographical area for which and individual sales person holds responsibility. Typically territories are defined by geography, sales potential, history, or a combination of multiple factors. |
Theater | Some companies organize their sales territories by theater. For example, the world can be divided into 3 theaters: Americas, EMEA, and APAC. |
Waterfall | Refers to a typical marketing model which plans to execute steps following a linear or sequential process. Waterfall is also used when describing Openprise's preferred method of enriching records - where you have multiple vendors and order enrichment steps to maximize match rate and minimize cost per record enriched. |
Web form | A web form, also called an HTML form, is an online page that allows for user input. It is an interactive page that mimics a paper document or form, where users fill out particular fields. Commonly used to gather leads. |