Create an Openprise data source, categorized as a manually manage data source, from a task's input data source. Use this task to write data to an intermediate data source for later processing, for reference by a different job or to track changes between job runs.
Category Location: All, Frequently Used, Export, System Specific
Field Description
- Options for manual data source setup:
- Always Add: Select this option to add the task's input data to the manual data source.
- Add or Update: Select this option to add new records to the manual data source and update existing records to the data source.
Purge and Add: Select this option to purge all records in the manual data source before adding the task's input data to the manual data source.
- Create Manual Output Datasource – If this box is checked, a new manual data source will be created, and named as specified in the field to the right (3). All fields in the job will be added to the manual data source.
- Data source name: Type the name for your manual data source.
**Image above depicts changes to the template when you are selecting an existing manual data source (the create manual output datasource checkbox is NOT checked).
- Data Sources: Select the manual data source you'd like to use from the dropdown.
- To – attributes in the existing manual data source that will receive the job attribute values.
- From – attributes from job to match to the manual data source.
The values of a manual data source can be modified within Openprise by:
- going to Data - Data Sources - (search for your data source in Manually Managed Data Sources)
- from the View / Edit Data screen, locate the record you wish to modify by using the filters or scrolling through the data
- click on the Modify button and select Update
- Modify the value of the Attribute you wish to change
- Select UPDATE RECORD or SAVE AS NEW (or CANCEL) as desired
The records of a manual data source can be deleted within Openprise by:
- going to Data - Data Sources- (search for your data source in Manually Managed Data Sources)
- from the View / Edit Data screen, locate the record you wish to delete by using the filters or scrolling through the data
- click on the Modify button and select Delete. A confirmation pop-up window will be presented. Select either Confirm or Cancel.
If you have multiple jobs writing to the same Manual Data Source, and those jobs don't have the same attributes (ie. In job 1, you have Contact fields, and in job 2 you have used an Export task that creates op_export_xxx attributes), you will need to either add all the attributes to the first job or create another job that has the full set and have IT create a Manual Data Source.
- When list loading, write records missing mandatory data, duplicate records, and records failing export to Salesforce to the manual data source. Once the list is fully processed, use the manual data source to write to an external file for review.
- Use the manual data source task to create a reference data source from other data. For example, a list of all account names and removing the duplicates for use in Lead to Account matching.