Manage your Openprise account password, Single Sign-On integration (SSO), and third party vendors from the Security Settings page. Navigate to Security Settings by clicking on Administration in the menu bar, and then clicking the Security Settings tab.
Password Config
Set your account password requirements using the Password Config section. From here,
- Decide the minimum character length for your password.
- Use these checkboxes to decide what requirements must be fulfilled when creating your account password.
- By default, Openprise will require that all users change their account password every 5 months. Fill the "user must change password" box if you want to adjust the frequency of password changes.
- Select "save" to save your changes.
SSO Integration
Openprise supports Single Sign-On (SSO) using SAML 2.0. This allows most enterprise grade SSO applications such as Okta, OneLogin, Oracle Access Manager, or Ping Federation to integrate and sign onto the Openprise platform.
Learn about how to configure SSO integration here.
Manage which Openprise groups can access the third party vendors you've connected to Data Services in the Credentials section. Here, you will see a list of accounts for each third party vendor that Openprise is interacting with.
- Select the dropdown icon to manage which Openprise groups have access to your third party accounts.
- Select individual groups by clicking on the "add" button or add all groups by clicking on the "add all" button.
- Select which group has editing permissions to any third part vendors configured in Data Marketplace.
- Save your changes by selecting the floppy disk icon, or delete your third party vendor credentials by clicking on the trashcan icon.