The Targeted Enrichment app allows a user to see the enrichment potential for key attributes. The potential can be assessed for people or company records.
Navigate to the Apps menu and select Targeted Enrichment.
Configure the App
- App Name: Give your app a descriptive name
- App Description: Provide a description for your app
- Add Image: Select add image to provide an image for your app
Select the This Device option to use an image from your computer. Image Library contains available stock images.
4. Labels: Select a label to organize and find your app
5. Select who can access this app by selecting Admins only which only allows the Openprise platform users to access the app or Public which allows your end users to access the app.
6 Configuration Sections
1. Grant Access
This section configures who can view and edit the app.
- Who can view: Select the users who can view the app by selecting from the available groups on the left and clicking add to add them to the selected groups on the right.
- Who can edit: Select the users who can edit this app (when the section is clicked a picklist of groups will appear).
2. Data Budgets
This section allows you to define budgeted amounts for each group. This allows for portioning of enrichment credits to different groups so that one group can't exhaust your budget.
- Cost Basis: Set the cost per record amount that is located in your enrichment contract.
Add Data Budget: Select this option to add a purchase limit for selected groups.
- Budget Name: Create a name for your budget group.
- User groups: Select the user groups for this data budget. Please make sure the groups added here also have permission to view the app.
- Budget Amount: Set the budget amount for this group.
3. Source Data and Bot Scheduling
This section is where you set the Manual Data Source and Bot used for this app.
- Source Data: Select the Manual Data Source to be used in this app.
- Bot that generates the Source Data: Select the bot to be used in this app.
Note: the bot schedule is displayed in this section for your reference. If you need to change the schedule, please navigate to the Bot screen.
4. Default Search Configuration
This section allows you to define the default search for your users when they first view the enrichment potential.
- Add Filter Group: Select Add Filter Group to set a filter for the app
A suggested filter is: “EnrichmentVendor has value”, which will show only those records that can be enriched by a vendor.
5. Default Results Configuration
Configure the attributes users will review in the app.
It is suggested to map all attributes for analysis as listed in the table below, along with the EnrichmentVendor.
Contact records | Account records |
Email address* | Account Name |
First name | Website |
Last name* | Country |
Job title | State |
City |
City |
State | Phone |
Country |
Number of Employees |
Company Name | IndustryCode |
Phone |
Annual Revenue |
Mobile | |
LinkedInURL |
6. Notification of Purchase Request
Select a System Admin(s) at your company that should receive a purchase request from the app user. All enrichment requests must be reviewed by a System Admin and approved for fulfillment. You can also include your Support Admin for additional notification, but the Support Admin cannot approve your requests.
Finally, click Save in the upper right to save your new app.
App Factory Overview and Use Guide
How to Enable and Manage App Factory