The Search & Edit app delivers an optimized data query experience for different data consumers and can be used as a prospecting portal for campaign, event and ABM Teams; for accessing system data without worrying about permissions or user seats; and for data quality analysis.
This app type can be set up as a Search only app or as a Search & Edit app that allows users to edit data within the app.
Navigate to the Apps menu and select Configuration.
Select Add App in the upper right and then select Search & Edit as the app type.
Configure the App
- App Name: Give your app a descriptive name
- App Description: Provide a description for your app
- Add Image: Select add image to provide an image for your app
Select the This Device option to use an image from your computer. Image Library contains available stock images.
- Labels: Select a label to organize and find your app
- Select who can access this app by selecting Admins only which only allows the Openprise platform users to access the app or Public which allows your end users to access the app.
9 Configuration Sections
1. Grant Access
This section configures who can view and edit the app.
- Who can view: Select the users who can view the app by selecting from the available groups on the left and clicking add to add them to the selected groups on the right.
- Who can edit: Select the users who can edit this app (when the section is clicked a picklist of groups will appear).
2. Source
This section defines the data source for the app and which type of app you'd like to create.
- Manual Data Source that is the source of records: Select the Manual Data Source for this app
- Mode of operation for app: Select either Search Only or Search & Edit
3. Data Inclusion
This section defines which records from the data are viewable to end users.
- Data Inclusion Filter: This section allows a filter on the records that will be available in the app. If this is a public app, there may be some data that you do not want to expose to the end user, and this is the section that controls what is publicly available in the app. Select Data Inclusion Filter and set a filter for the records.
- Select a text attribute: Used to control which records each App Factory user can access. The values must be an email address or a domain and the attribute can be single-value or multi-value.
4. Attribute Inclusion
This section defines which attributes from the data source users can interact with.
- This setting determines which attributes are available in the app. By default, all attributes are included, and you can select the attributes to be removed from the app by highlighting them and selecting Remove.
5. Attribute Configuration
This section allows for configuration of the attributes included in the app.
- Allow users to add new records: If the app is set up as Search & Edit, this option will allow end users to add new records.
- Allow users to delete existing records: If the app is set up as Search & Edit, this option will allow end users to delete existing records.
Pick Attributes to Configure: Select this option to configure the display name and editable properties of each attribute.
- Attribute Name: Shows the attribute name from the manual data source in the app.
- Display Name: Edit how the attribute name appears in the app by selecting the pencil icon.
Field Type: Select the field type for the attribute. Options are: Field entry, Picklist, Calendar, Checkbox, View Only.
Customize: Customize the options for the field.
- Placeholder text: enter the placeholder text for the field
- Allow users to enter multiple values: check the box to allow multiple values in the field
- Default value for field: enter a default value for this field
- Required Attribute: Check the box if this attribute should be required.
6. Default Search Configuration
This section allows you to create an initial search criteria to provide guidance to your users when beginning with the app.
- Use: Select Display Name or API Name
- Hide search from end user: If selected, the default search configuration will be applied and cannot be edited by the end user.
- Apply a filter by selecting the attribute and operator.
- Add Filter Group: Select this option to add a filter group to the criteria.
7. Default Results Configuration
This section sets up the default attributes shown in the app.
- Use: Select Display Name or API Name.
- Table Columns: click in this section to add attributes to the app. ** Drag the column headers (i.e. A, B, C) to reorder the attributes.
8. Results Details
This section defines what the end user sees when clicking on an entry in the table.
- Use: Select Display Name or API Name.
- Section title: Rename your section here.
- Pick Attributes for Section: Select the attributes that should appear in the section.
- New Section: Select this option to add additional sections.
9. Custom Actions Configuration
This section lets you configure actions that an end user can perform in the app.
Select Add Action
- Action Label: Create a name for the action.
- Action Type: Options are: Run Job or Run Bot
- Action Description: Create a description for the Action
**Note: When an end user executes a custom action it will only be performed on the current search criteria. For instance, if edits are made in the app and then the filter criteria is changed and the custom action is performed, it will only be executed on the current set of records, not the previous record selection.
Finally, click Save in the upper right to save your new app.
How to Use a Search & Edit App (End Users)
To access your Search & Edit App, navigate to the top menu bar and select Apps > Launch App Portal
Enter your App Factory credentials.
Search for your app using the search bar.
Add Attributes to the table by selecting Search column and selecting the attributes to add
Change/Add a Filter by selecting the Filter option on the left and then selecting the pencil icon to add/change the filter
NOTE: When creating a filter using the matches operator, a sample list of 1000 values that exactly match the attribute selected will be displayed. If there are more than 1000 values, use the contains filter to locate the specific value.
If this is a Search and Edit App, there are additional options:
Click on an attribute in the table to make edits
After edits are made, the row will appear in green with the edited attribute in italics
Click on Apply Edit to send changes to your end system (green highlight and italics will be removed)
Select the Actions button to download the table or to Update the end system. Selecting Update Salesforce as shown below will send all edits that have been made to the table.
Add Row will allow you to add a record to the table
After the information has been submitted, the new record will appear in the table with a green highlight.
Select Apply Edit or Update "Salesforce" to send the record to the end system
App Factory Overview and Use Guide
How to Enable and Manage App Factory