Add, Update or Delete Salesforce leads or contacts in Salesforce Campaign Members Data Target.
Category Location: All, System specific
Field Description
Options available when Add is selected:
- Salesforce CampaignMember Data Target: Select the data target to export data. The data target should contain all Campaign Member fields you will update. However, if you are adding a new Campaign Member, the data target does not need to contain the LeadID nor CampaignID fields as those are implicitly assumed to be updated when creating a new Campaign Member.
- Action: Select to Add, Update or Delete campaign members. Currently viewing options for Add.
- Campaign: Select either the specific campaign from the drop down list or select Use attribute which contains Campaign ID when the Campaign ID is an attribute in your input data source.
- Campaign ID: Select the field in your input data source that contains the Campaign ID. This field is not needed if you selected a specific Campaign from the drop down list for Campaign.
- Contact ID: Select the Contact ID attribute. (required if adding Contacts to a campaign)
- Lead ID: Select the Lead ID attribute (required if adding Leads to a campaign).
- CampaignMember Status – If you have selected a specific campaign above, select the status from the drop down. If the Campaign ID is in your data, supply the field that contains the Campaign member status.
Options available when Update is selected:
- Salesforce CampaignMember Data Target: Select the data target to export data. The data target should contain all Campaign Member fields you will update.
- Action: Select to Add, Update or Delete campaign members. Currently viewing options for Update.
- Campaign: Select either the specific campaign from the drop down list or select Use attribute which contains Campaign ID when the Campaign ID is an attribute in your input data source.
- Campaign ID: Select the field in your input data source that contains the Campaign ID. This field is not needed if you selected a specific Campaign from the drop down list for Campaign.
- Campaign Member ID: Select the attribute that contains the Campaign Member ID.
- CampaignMember Status: If you have selected a specific campaign above, select the status from the drop down. If the Campaign ID is in your data, supply the field that contains the Campaign member status.
Options available when Delete is selected:
- Salesforce CampaignMember Data Target: Select the data target to export data. The data target should contain all Campaign Member fields you will update.
- Action: Select to Add, Update or Delete campaign members. Currently viewing options for Delete.
- Campaign Member ID: Select the attribute that contains the Campaign Member ID.
- The Data Target must already exist.
- The Campaign must be defined in SFDC prior to running the task.
- Attempting to add or update a member using a CampaignMember Status that is undefined for that campaign will result in assigning the default status.
The output data set will contain the following attribute fields which can be used for additional processing:
- op_campaign_member_errors: Text field that contains error messages that occurred (if any).
- op_campaign_members_reference: Contains the Campaign Member ID.
- op_campaign_members_status: Contains the action performed: add, update or delete.
- op_campaign_members_success: Boolean field that contains yes/no depending on the success of the operation.
- op_campaign_members_time: Timestamp of the action taken by the task.
You are only allowed to use one SFDC Manage Campaign Member task in a job, and you cannot use the output data from this task as input for another SFDC Manage Campaign Members task. Doing so results in the subsequent SFDC Manage Campaign Members task(s) execution to respond with "Nothing to do". For example, if you are processing a lead list, and there are two campaigns you want to add each new lead to, you need to create two jobs as follows:
- Job 1 – using the output from the Export: add/update task to create the lead in Salesforce (which includes the lead ID), add the lead to Campaign 1.
- Job 2 – using the output from the Export: add/update task to create the lead in Salesforce (which includes the lead ID), add the lead to Campaign 2.
- As part of list import processing, add new leads to a SFDC campaign.