Aggregate (or group) records in a job and summarize the group using one of the functions shown below.
Category Location: All, Calculate or manipulate
Field Description
- Group by – the attribute used to group your records for aggregation. The attribute used should identify groups of records you want to summarize in some manner. This attribute must be a text attribute.
Operation – The operation to apply to the grouped records. Options are:
- Sum
- Average
- Min
- Max
- Count
- Standard Deviation
- Variance
- Range
- Attribute to aggegrate – the attribute to be operated on once the records are grouped. This attribute must be of type whole or real.
- Target attribute – the attribute used to hold the results of the operation on the grouped records. This attribute may be the same as the Aggregate on value, or you can write to a different attribute. The Target attribute must be of type whole or real. Note that all records in the group will result in the same value in the Target attribute.
- If you need to group by using two attributes, combine the attributes using the concatenate or combine attributes task, and then group by the new combined attribute.
- Count the number of contacts associated with a particular account. (Group by account and aggregate (count) the number of contacts.)
- Find the maximum days in status for each lead status group. (Group by lead status and aggregate on days in status.)
- Find the average deal size for a specific type of opportunity. (Group by opportunity type and aggregate (average) the deal size.)