Add/ update or remove members from Marketo Program Members.
Category Location: All, System specific
Field Description
- Marketo Program Member Data Target: Select the Data Target already created in Openprise
- Program: Select the program name from the picklist. Note: Type in the Program Name to find the program you're looking for - only 1000 programs will be shown, but if you type the name, Openprise will search for the correct program.
- Action: Add/Update or Delete program members
- Program Status: Picklist of program status's that determine if members are updated or removed. Picklist values may differ depending on the program. Below is an example of what a program status picklist could look like:
Attribute that contains program status: when this program status is selected, the Attribute that contains program status picklist will appear at the bottom. Select one specific program status attribute from this list.
Note: Marketo will update all records with the same program status value. If you wish to update program members with different values, you'll need to process the records in groups where each group has its own program status value.
- Lead ID: Select the attribute in your input data source that contains the Lead ID to be added or removed from the program
Review Outputs
Openprise automatically generates five fields each time the task template runs. These fields begin with op_manage_program_member and can be used to check the status of each program member that was added/updated or removed.
- op_manage_program_member_errors: display the error message if a record could not be added/updated or removed
- op_manage_program_member_reference: will contain a new ID if the lead was added, and an existing ID if the lead was updated or removed
- op_manage_program_member_status: will indicate if a record was added/ updated, removed, or skipped from update due to an error
- op_manage_program_member_success: is a yes/ no field that indicates if a record was successfully or unsuccessfully added/ updated or removed
- op_manage_program_member_time: timestamps all records that were processed by the task template