Manage SFDC Opportunity Team Members.
Category Location: All, System specific
Field Description
Options available when Add is selected:
- Select Data Target: Select the Data target created in Openprise.
- Action: Three options are available: Create, Update, Delete: currently viewing options for Create.
- Opportunity ID: Select the Opportunity Id attribute. (required)
- Users: Select the User from the dropdown OR select the use attribute which contains User Id option which allows you to select the attribute that contains the User Id from the input data source.
- Team Member Role: Select the Role from the dropdown OR select the use attribute which contains Team Member Role option which allows you to select the attribute that contains the Team Member Role from the input data source.
- Opportunity Access Level: Select the Opportunity Access Level from the dropdown OR select the use attribute which contains Opportunity Access Level option which allows you to select the attribute that contains the Opportunity Access Level from the input data source.
Options available when Update is selected:
- Select Data Target: Select the Data target created in Openprise.
- Action: Three options are available: Create, Update, Delete: currently viewing options for Update.
- Opportunity Team Member ID: Select the attribute that contains the Opportunity Team Member Id (required).
- Team Member Role: Select the Role from the dropdown OR select the use attribute which contains Team Member Role option which allows you to select the attribute that contains the Team Member Role from the input data source.
- Opportunity Access Level: Select the Opportunity Access Level from the dropdown OR select the use attribute which contains Opportunity Access Level option which allows you to select the attribute that contains the Opportunity Access Level from the input data source.
Options available when Delete is selected:
- Select Data Target: Select the Data target created in Openprise.
- Action: Three options are available: Create, Update, Delete: currently viewing options for Delete.
- Opportunity Team Member ID: (required) Select the attribute that contains the Opportunity Team Member Id.
- If you are updating a record in the Opportunity Team Member object, you must supply an Opportunity Team Member ID.
- The output data set will contain the following attribute fields which can be used for additional processing:
- op_team_member_errors: This is a text field that contains error messages that occurred (if any).
- op_team_member_reference: This contains the Account Team Member ID.
- op_team_member_status: This contains the action performed: add, update, delete.
- op_team_member_success: A boolean field that contains yes/no depending on the success of the operation.
- op_team_member_time: Timestamp of the action taken by the task.
- Using this task allows you to add team members to Opportunities.
- Update the Opportunity Team Member to indicate a user can Read/Write to the object.