Time series charts are used to examine metrics changes at fixed time slices across a time period. They are especially useful for comparing data patterns of different groups of metrics across time.
Field Description
Setup Tab
- Select Chart Type: The selected chart type will appear here, selecting the dropdown will show other chart types.
- X-axis scale: Select the x-axis scale, options are: Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters
- Add Series: Select this option to add more than one series to the chart.
- Series label name: Optional: Add a custom series name
- Plot values with: Options are - record count, sum of, average of, range of
- Select Attribute: Select the attribute to plot values with
- X-axis labels based on date: Select the date attribute for the x-axis
- Filter Data: Optional: allows you to set a filter on the data source used for the chart
- Time Filter: Optional: allows for setting a time limit for the data in the chart
Field Description
Customize tab
- Chart title: Enter a name for your chart
Sample Time Series Chart
- Number of new leads per month for the last 12 months