Funnel charts are used to demonstrate the flow of progressional metrics data through a particular process. They are especially useful and mostly used to show the flow of users through a sales process.
Field Description
Setup Tab
- Select Chart Type: The selected chart type will appear here, selecting the dropdown will show other chart types
- Funnel stage labels based on: Select the attribute to base stage labels on
- Edit Stages: Select this to rename and/or reorder funnel stages
- Stage values based on: Options are: Record Count, Sum of, Average of, Range of
- Select Attribute: Option is available when Sum of, Average of, or Range of is selected in #4. Select the attribute to sum, average or range.
- Sort stages by: Options are: Ascending order, Descending order
- Aggregate stage values based on sort order: Select this option to aggregate the stage values based on the sort order selected.
- Filter Data: Optional: allows you to set a filter on the data source used for the chart
- Time Filter: Optional: allows for setting a time limit for the data in the chart
Customize tab
- Chart title: Enter a name for your chart
- Currency symbol: Set the desired currency symbol
- Separator symbol: Set the desired separator symbol
- Decimal symbol: Set the desired decimal symbol
- Decimal places: Select the number of decimal places
- Show values directly on chart: Check the box to see values directly on the chart
Sample Funnel Chart
- Show the flow of users through the sales process