Create a new date by adding/subtracting a fixed amount of time, calculate the difference in time between two dates, or calculate a new date or elapsed time using the date/time the task is executed in Openprise.
Category Location: All, Calculate or manipulate
(Options change depending on selection of New Date or Elapsed Time. Screenshot above denotes options when New date is selected)
- New Date: create a new date based on selections made
- Use Input Date from: options are select attribute to create a date based on an attribute or select task evaluation time
Date attribute: select the date attribute to be used as input
Or, select task evaluation time
- Reset Date/Time to: allows for setting a specified date
- Offset calculation: options are offset attribute or fixed value
- Offset Value: options are fiscal quarter or fiscal year when offset attribute is selected. If fixed value is selected, you can type in your requirements.
- Offset Unit: options are seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, quarters, years
- Write target value to: attribute to house the new results
(Options above are available when Elapsed time (#1) is selected)
- Elapsed time: create a new date based on elapsed time between events
Select source type: options are attribute, fixed value, task evaluation time
- Date attribute: select the date attribute to be used as input
- Reset Date/Time to: allows for setting a specified date
- Elapsed Unit: options are seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, quarters, years
- Write target value to: attribute to house the new results
- Calculate a date for a 6 month business review by using the product purchase date and adding 6 months.
- Calculate the amount of time it takes for an opportunity to get to a closed status.