Timeline charts are used to examine the chronology of events based on any existing date attribute of the records. They can be used for showing the lead activities that led up to a sale within a certain time period.
Field Description
Setup Tab
- Select Chart Type: The selected chart type will appear here, selecting the dropdown will show other chart types
- Timeline Scale: Options are: Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters
- Create timelines from attribute values: Checking this box will give an alternate setup for the chart. The chart will now show timeline labels based on the chosen attribute.
1. Timeline labels based on: Select the attribute to base labels on
2. Edit Labels: Select this option to edit the labels
3. Plot values based on: Options are: Record count, sum of, average of, range of
4. Plot based on date: Select the date attribute to plot values with
4. Add Timeline: Select this options to create more than one timeline
5. Timeline label name: Type a name for your timeline here (default is Timeline 1, Timeline 2, etc.)
6. Plot values based on: Options are: Record count, sum of, average of, range of
7. Select Attribute: Select the attribute to base values on
8. Plot based on date: Select the date attribute to base values on (e.g. Created Date, Updated Date)
9. Filter Data: Optional: allows you to set a filter on the data source used for the chart
10. Time Filter: Optional: allows for setting a time limit for the data in the chart
Field Description
Customize tab
- Chart title: Enter a name for your chart
- Chart Symbol: Options are Circle or Empty Circle
Circle Empty Circle
Sample Timeline Chart
- Plot the count of each Marketo activity type for a specific time period.