Mask, change or scramble an attribute for data security. Options are mask, scramble or hashing algorithms (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512).
Category Location: All, Other/ Utility
Field Description
- Source Attribute: the attribute to redact
- Algorithm: select mask, scramble or a hashing algorithm
- Target attribute: select the attribute that houses the redacted information (can create a new attribute using add attribute).
**When selecting Mask as the algorithm type, additional options are available.
- Mask all characters EXCEPT: options are first or last
- # of characters: type the number of characters for the exception
- Mask with character: set the character to mask with (eg. X as the masking character)
- Scramble Company Names to protect IP when sending data to external partners.
- Use a hashing algorithm for social security numbers.