Stacked bar charts are used to display comparisons between multiple series or categories of bar chart data. They are useful for visualizing different series each with its own value composition of unique record groups such as number of leads for specific industries split by quarters of the year.
Field Description
Setup Tab
- Select Chart Type: The selected chart type will appear here, selecting the dropdown will show other chart types
- Stack series: Select the checkbox to utilize the Stacked Bar chart option (automatically checked when Stacked Column chart is selected)
- Add Series: Select this option to add more than one series to the chart
- Series label name: Optional: Add a custom series name
- Plot values with: Options are - record count, sum of, average of, range of
- Select Attribute: Select the attribute to plot values with
- Y-axis labels based on: Select the attribute for the y-axis
- Filter Data: Optional: allows you to set a filter on the data source used for the chart
- Time Filter: Optional: allows for setting a time limit for the data in the chart
Field Description
Customize tab
Chart title: Enter a name for your chart
Sample Stacked Bar Chart
- See individual products within a product category.