Clean up company names. The task performs the following:
- Remove all special characters except ‘ and – in some specific cases
- Remove or expand words like Inc, Corp, Pty Ltd.
- Change case to Camel Case
- Company names containing less than 3 characters are changed to all upper case
- Extract domain name if email or URL is found
Category Location: All, Clean or normalize
Field Description
- Clean up the company name in: Field that contains the original company name.
- Write cleaned name to: Field to house the cleaned company name.
- Format to use for cleaned name: Option to “Remove words like Inc, Corp, LLC” or “Retain and Normalize words like Inc, Corp, LLC”.
- It is highly recommended to clean up company names before using the Generate Normalization Reference task to generating a company reference list.
- You have to option to drop words like Inc, Corp, Ltd., or replace it with a normalized value specified in the reference data.
- Openprise provides a default reference Data Set that contain the most common company type words “Reference – Company Name Clean Up”
- Change “Vodafone PLC” to “Vodafone”
- Change ibm.com to “IBM”
- Change “oracle, corp. – japan” to “Oracle Corporation Japan”