Segment charts are used to examine size relationships of metric values in a heirarchal fashion. They are especially useful for understanding the value composition of various related attributes such as showing the composition of opportunity amounts split by markets, countries and state / province.
Field Description
Setup Tab
- Select Chart Type: The selected chart type will appear here, selecting the dropdown will show other chart types
- Number of segments to chart: Select the number of segments needed (maximum of 5)
Top level segment based on: Select the attribute for the top level segment
- If more than one segment is selected, additional segment based on sections will appear
- Values based on: Options are: Record Count, Sum of, Average of, Range of
- Select Attribute: Select the attribute that should be summarized in your selection of #4
- Number of labels: Set the maximum number of labels (maximum is 20)
- Sort Values by: Options are: Descending order or Ascending Order
- Filter Data: Optional: allows you to set a filter on the data source used for the chart
- Time Filter: Optional: allows for setting a time limit for the data in the chart
Field Description
Customize tab
- Chart title: Enter a name for your chart
Sample Segment Chart (3 Levels)
- Show the composition of opportunity amounts split by markets, countries and state/province