Combine values from multiple attributes into a single attribute.
Category Location: All, Calculate or manipulate
Field Description
- Select Attributes to Combine: Select the attributes that you'd like to combine.
- Write Combined Value to: field to write output value.
- Specify Delimiter: delimiter that will be used to distinguish values in the output attribute if it is a regular text attribute. It may contain spaces. This option is not needed if you are combining multiple attributes into a multi-text attribute.
- Output attribute value looks like: The result will show here i.e. If you select the First Name and Last Name fields to combine with a comma as the delimiter it will show as:
- If the output attribute is of type single value text, you can specify a delimiter between the values such as "," (comma) or "_" (underscore) or "|" (pipe).
- If there are duplicate values in the content being combined, the duplicate values will be eliminated.
- Combine "LastName" and "FirstName" into a single-value attribute "FullName".
- Combine "Category1" and "Category2" into a multi-value attribute "Categories".
- Combine "apple" and "banana, apple" into a multi-value attribute will result in "apple, banana". (Note that the order of the resulting attribute is not guaranteed.)
- Combining "Apple" and "banana, apple" into a multi-value attribute will result in "Apple, banana, apple".