Change the capitalization of any string type attributes to one of four formats: lower case, UPPER CASE, Camel Case or Sentence case.
Category Location: All, Clean or normalize
Field description
- Source attribute: Field to be capitalized.
- Action: lower case, UPPER Case, Camel Case, or Sentence case (options appear in the format they represent).
- Target attribute: Output field of capitalization.
Advanced Configurations
Set the minimum word length to apply the casing requirements.
- This task is useful for uniform capitalization especially on data such as names, identifications or notes.
- You can perform multiple change capitalization actions, each with a different capitalization format, in one task.
Normalize first name, last name and full name's capitalization
- Ensure uniform capitalization in the same attribute for all records
Change capitalization format for part numbers or other identification data
- Maintain a uniform format for data coming from different sources