Review De-dupe allows for reviewing the results of a de-duplication and merge task when those results were saved to a Manual Data Source. The results can be reviewed and manually updated.
Navigate to the Data Menu and select the Review De-dupe option
1. Select data from: Select the manual data source that contains the de-duplication results
**The manual data source is created in the De-duplication and merge task as show in the screenshot below**
1. Start Review: After selecting the manual data source, click the Start Review button
You will be prompted to rename the manual data source. Renaming the data source ensures that the next time the task runs, your manual selections are not overwritten. Enter a new name for the manual data source and select Confirm.
If you did not rename your data source on the previous screen and selected Cancel, you will be prompted here "are you sure you want to continue without renaming the data source?" Select No to return to the previous screen and rename the data source or select Yes to continue without renaming the data source.
1. You will be shown the number of duplicate sets in this data source
2. Click in the Table Columns section to add more attributes to the report
3. Highlight a row to see details for this duplicate group
After a row is highlighted, scroll down and to the right to see all records in the duplicate group. From here, you can check the box for Not a duplicate if a record shouldn't be merged in the group. Additionally, select the radio dials for each attribute that you'd like to retain on the surviving record.
1. In the bottom left of the screen, select Update Record to retain your selections in the data source.
Please remember that the De-duplication and merge task allows for surviving record and attribute selection based on your requirements so the process can be automated.
This option allows for manual review of results if necessary, but is not intended to be used exclusively.