The Download menu in Openprise contains the downloads from Data Sources, Data Catalog, and Analytics.
Navigate to the Data Menu and select Downloads
The Downloads section contains all downloaded items based on the user who is logged in. You will only see the files that you have downloaded and not all downloaded items in your org. The items are organized in ascending alphabetical order.
- Description: This is the name you gave your download.
- Data: This is the source file that you are downloading.
- Created date: This is the date/time the download was initiated.
- Time Range: The amount of time to download.
- Record Count: How many records are in the download.
- File Type: The file type: CSV, PDF, or Excel.
- Download: Click this hyperlink to download the file to your computer.
- Delete: Select this option to delete the download.
- Search: Type text here to easily locate your download.