If you have a Google Sheet or CSV file on Google Drive that is not importing, or not importing properly, check the following:
- The Data Source type must match the file type. For example, you cannot have a Data Source type of CSV and import a Google Sheet or an Excel file.
- The file name must be a valid file name when downloaded by Openprise on our servers. Therefore please avoid the following characters: ? : ” * | / \ <><></></>
- Verify that there are no trailing spaces in the file name or the folder name as this will cause import issues.
- If you are using Data Source type of Google Sheets, and you upload an Excel file, you must first open the file with Google Sheets and save it in Sheet format. Openprise does not recognize Excel files on your Google Drive.
- If your file has over 10,000 rows (more or less depending on the actual file size), you have likely hit a Google limitation where it does not properly handle large sheets. If this is the case, you can use Excel to break the file up into smaller files and re-upload them to G-drive and convert them to sheets, or convert the file to a CSV file. Note that converting the file to a CSV file will require you to establish a new data source in Openprise that is configured to read CSV files.