The Bypass this task features is a checkbox that, when filled, allows you to skip execution of a task. You can learn more about this feature here.
Here are a few use cases for when to use this feature:
- Testing a job(s) containing an Export: Add/ Update task template
The Export: Add/Update task template exports data from a Data Source to a Data Target.
We recommend "blocking" the export task if you have already configured it in your process before you are ready to export records. This will allow you to continue modifying or testing your job(s) without accidentally updating or adding any records into your end-system.
Example - You've build a Salesforce Lead Cleansing process where the third and final job contains an export task. You are still modifying your cleaning jobs, and are not ready to export any records. Block the export task by filling in the "Bypass this task" checkbox; click save.
Once you are ready to export records, simply uncheck the "Bypass this task" feature in the export task, and click save.
- Skip third-party vendor within an active enrichment process
The Openprise Enrichment Waterfall process is great at using multiple third party vendors to enrich your data. You can learn more about how to assemble an enrichment waterfall here.
The Enrichment Waterfall process makes several API calls each time the job(s) runs in Openprise. API calls are dependent on other factors such as account status or your daily API quota. When one vendor in the Waterfall errors out due to any of these factors, it can disrupt your entire enrichment process inside Openprise.
Use the "Bypass this task" feature when you want to temporarily block an enrichment vendor from making API calls. Once the issue has been debugged and resolved, uncheck the "Bypass this task" box and click save to allow the task to continue executing as normal.