BETA - Please be aware that this feature is currently in beta mode
An Automated Acquisition process searches for a list of people based on contact and account criteria.
Step 1: Utilize the Automated Acquisition task template
Set Search Parameters for Contact and Account
Search Parameters can be manually entered in the Openprise UI, or referenced from any data source. It is important to note that the Automated Acquisition task is the only task template that does not reference the input data source. Search for contact records manually or by referencing any data source.
Manually entered Value
Add Values from a Data Source allows users to map fields from any data source.
For both search options:
- Matching is exact
- State spelled out (i.e. California, not CA)
- Country Spelled out (i.e. United States, not US or USA)
- Website should be the domain (, not or
Running the Automated Acquisition task results in a list of contacts with identifying information masked. Notice that each vendor can return the same contact (Chief Revenue Officer). Also notice that fields returned from the vendor files are prefaced with OP_Data
Acceptance Testing
- User defined purchase flag
- Required field filters
- Dedupe
- Suppression
- Existing data such as CRM
- Previously purchased records
1 & 2: User defined purchase flag and required field filters
Create a purchase flag type Yes/No, and set it to default value. Default value for this example is set to Yes, but the inverse logic could be used.
Use a filter to ensure required fields have a value. I.e. OPData_Title has value ensures records with a title will be purchased.
3. Deduplication
As seen above, duplicate records have been returned. Deduplication is recommended, but not required based on your requirements.
The below example identified duplicates based on the OPData_Email attribute. Surviving records are selected based on the preferred vendor.
4. Suppression
Suppression of existing CRM data is recommended. If a record matches the email attribute received from the Automated Acquisition task output to the email field in your data, change the 0P - Purchase flag to No.
Suppression against previously purchased records is also recommended. Note that the process must be run once to have the fields available for previously purchased records. Testing is advised.
Previously purchased D&B record suppression
Previously purchased Salutary records suppression. Note: Salutary does not have IDs. Use email.
Previously purchased RampedUp records suppression
Reveal Acquired Contact Data
The Reveal Acquired Contact Data task completes the purchase of the contacts. The records that have successfully passed through the acceptance tests will be sent to the vendor APIs to be purchased.
Filter for records that passed Acceptance testing. This example uses 0P - Purchase flag default true to identify which records should be purchased.
You are required to acknowledge charges will be incurred from running this task. This only appears 1 time.
Select Data Vendor Order preference. This should be set set up for every Reveal task, but is only relevant when the Limit Total Number of Records per Run is less than the total number of records that passed Acceptance testing. For example, if 100,000 records passed acceptance testing, and I only want to deliver 100 records per day, the order chosen here will define which records are delivered 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
A file will be returned for each vendor. If 3 vendors return data, then 3 files will be created. The Output data source name allows the user to define the name of each file. The file name will be suffixed with the appropriate vendor. In the screenshot below, the file was named Reveal Test and you can see that the vendor name is suffixed for each separate file.
Data Service Set up
The acquisition radio button must be selected to see the data service listed in the Select Vendor Order in the Reveal Acquired Contact Data task.
Quota Setup
Quotas can be set up for Automated Acquisition jobs. There is a section that lists all Automated Acquisition jobs. Navigate to Administration and select System Settings
Select the Quota option
In the Select technology section, select the created Automated Acquisition job
Authentication tokens will be automatically selected for each data service used in the job.
Automated Acquisition Task Template
Reveal Acquired Contact Data Task Template